We are pleased to announce the release of OpenHPC v3.1
This is an update release for the OHPC 3.x branch targeting support for RHEL9 variants, OpenSUSE Leap 15.5 and openEuler 22.03 LTS SP3. This release introduces the gnu13 compiler variant and the openmpi5 mpi variant. JWT support for slurmrestd has been enabled, and the OS-provided python stack for RHEL and Leap has been updated from 3.6 to 3.11. Additionally, Lmod and the OpenHPC module files have been updated to handle modules distributed by Intel for the oneAPI toolkits properly. Finally, non-MPI builds of netcdf, netcdf-cxx, and netcdf-fortran are available.
Note that users who previously enabled the OHPC 3.x repository via the ohpc-release package will have access to the updates available in 3.1 and no additional repository enablement should be necessary. Please see the Release Notes and documentation for more detailed information.
Release Notes: https://github.com/openhpc/ohpc/releases/tag/v3.1.GA
Install Guides/Release RPMs: https://github.com/openhpc/ohpc/wiki/3.x
Note: For those who are using elements of OpenHPC, we’d certainly be grateful if you would consider registering your system(s) using the System Registration Form.