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The 2020-2021 OpenHPC Technical Steering Committee Has Been Formed!

By July 22, 2020No Comments

OpenHPC is pleased to announce the formation of the 2020-21 Technical Steering Committee.

Join us in congratulating and thanking this year’s participants.

  • Reese Baird (SpaceX)
  • David Brayford (LRZ)
  • Chris Downing (Amazon Web Services)
  • Craig Gardner (SUSE)
  • Stephen Harrell (TACC)
  • Nam Pho (University of Washington)
  • Cyrus Proctor (Speqtral Quantum Technologies)
  • Adrian Reber (Red Hat)
  • Jeremy Siadal (Intel)
  • Raja Subramani (Dell)
  • Nirmala Sundararajan (Dell)
  • Srinath Vadlamani (Arm)
End-User/Site Representatives
  • Eric Coulter (Indiana University)
  • Caetano Melone (Stanford)
  • Christopher Simmons (UT Dallas)
  • Derek Simmel (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center)
Upstream Component Development Representatives
  • Michael Karo (Altair)
Testing Coordinator(s)
  • Paul Isaacs (Linaro)
  • Karl W. Schulz (UT Austin)
Project Leader
  • Karl W. Schulz (UT Austin)

Previous membership lists: