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Congratulations to the 2018-19 OpenHPC TSC

By July 3, 2018No Comments

OpenHPC is pleased to announce that the members of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) have selected the individuals to serve as its 2018-19 members.

The 2018-19 Members are listed below with their professional affiliation. new members are in italics:

  • Adrian Reber    (Red Hat)
  • Chris Downing    (Red Oak Consulting)
  • Craig Gardner    (SUSE)
  • Cyrus Proctor    (TACC)
  • David Brayford    (LRZ)
  • Janet Lebens    (Cray)
  • Kevin Pedretti    (Sandia)
  • Michael Karo    (Altair)
  • Nam Pho    (Harvard Medical Center)
  • Nirmala Sundararajan    (Dell EMC)
  • Paul Peltz Jr.    (LANL)
  • Reese Baird    (Intel)
  • Takayuki Okamoto    (Fujitsu)
  • Thomas Moschny    (ParTec Cluster Competence Center)

End-User/Site Representative Nominees

  • Chris Simmons    (UT Dallas)
  • Derek Simmel    (PSC)
  • Eric Coulter    (Indiana University)

Upstream Component Development Representative Nominees

  • Jeff Schutkoske    (Cray)

Testing Coordinator

  • Renato Golin    (Linaro)
  • Karl Schulz    (UT Austin)

You can find out more information about OpenHPC on our GitHub repo. You can see past TSC members here: