OpenHPC is pleased to announce the formation of the 2024/25 Technical Steering Committee.
Join us in congratulating and thanking this year’s participants.
- Chris Downing, (AWS)
- Jeremy Siadal (Intel)
- Adrian Reber (Red Hat)
- Christopher S. Simmons (Cambridge Computing)
- Martin Grigorov (Huawei)
- David Brayford (HPE)
- Reese Baird (SpaceX)
End-User/Site Representatives
- Derek Simmel (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center)
- Forest Ling (EasyHPC)
- Caeser Stoica (Lenovo)
- Jason Wells (Harvard)
Upstream Component Development Representatives
- Michael Karo (Altair)
Testing Coordinators
- Karl W. Schulz (AMD)
- Adrian Reber (Red Hat)
Outreach Lead
- Christopher Simmons (Cambridge Computing)
Project Lead
- Adrian Reber (Red Hat)